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Focus on HPV
Read the articleRecognition for HistoCyte
Read the articlePD-L1 Collaboration
Read the articleHistoCyte at NordiQC
Read the articleNew ROS1 Control Material Released
Further expanding our lung panel, the new ROS1 Analyte Control is now available from HistoCyte Laboratories.
Read the articleHistoCyte Laboratories Receives EN ISO 13485:2016 Accreditation
Read the articleHistoCyte Laboratories HPV/p16 Analyte ControlDR recognised in recent publication regarding the use same slide controls in HPV and p16 assays.
Read the articleNew PD-L1 Control Material Released
HistoCyte is pleased to announce the release of our PD-L1 control material. Offering a dynamic range of expression for PD-L1 and multiple formats to suit your workflow, contact sales@histocyte for purchase enquiries.
Read the articleDistribution in Germany
HistoCyte Laboratories is delighted to report that our entire product range is now available in Germany through Medac. Medac has a wide reach throughout Germany, supplying products to private practice, hospital laboratories, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, and research institutes.
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