Breast Analyte Control
Our multi-purpose Breast Analyte Control is a qualitative control that contains two cell lines that demonstrate positive and negative expression of ER, PR and HER2.
Ideal for use as a same slide control in immunohistochemistry (IHC) to demonstrate the reagents have been correctly applied to the slide.
HistoCyte Laboratories Ltd have been able to develop a multi-purpose product that is suitable for use as a control for ER, PR and HER2 assays. This is our most cost-effective multi-purpose breast control.
For a full dynamic range of expression for each biomarker, see our HER2 Analyte ControlDR, Estrogen Receptor Analyte ControlDR and Progesterone Receptor Analyte ControlDR.
One cell is positive for all three biomarkers, the other is a universal negative. Ideal for same slide use to indicate whether the reagents have been correctly applied to the slide.
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Breast Analyte ControlDR
Full dynamic range of expression for ER, PR and HER2